# Chat Grids

"Grid" will help you save time on making the same type of settings separately for each chat.

With the help of "grids", you can combine and manage a large number of chats connected to [@Chatkeeperbot] at once(https://t.me/ChatKeeperBot ). The same settings will be applied to all grid chats within the tariff.

Global moderation commands, unified modules and triggers, and general statistics for all grid chats are available for "grids"**.

# Creating a chat grid

You can create up to 3 public or private chat grids.

You can add an unlimited number of chats and forums to the grid, where the bot is assigned as an administrator. These chats are displayed on the main page of your personal Chatkeeper account.

The grid can be created by users who have access to the chat and Chatkeeper's personal account.

You can add chats with different tariffs to the same grid, including chats on the FREE tariff.

# Grid status and name

When creating a chat grid, you need to select its status.

Private - Chat grid settings will be private and unavailable for import into other chats. Public - The grid settings will be public and they ** can be imported by other chats**. You can share settings that work effectively in your chat grid with other chats.

The name of the grid is set only for the public chat grid and it is necessary for users to be able to find it and import its settings for their chats.

The name can contain: Latin characters, lower space, numbers. Minimum number of characters: 9

# How to choose the grid status

Private - suitable if you need to set uniform settings for a large number of chats that you manage. The settings may contain texts related to your chats, unique trigger and filter settings, affiliate materials, advertising, etc.

Public - suitable if you want to share with users universal useful settings that will be useful for most chats. The settings of the public grid should not contain personal information and parameters that will intentionally harm other chats when they are imported. *The purpose of the public network is to help users manage the bot and chat, and share useful Chatkeeper settings that will help them do this.


The selected grid status cannot be changed! You can delete the current grid and create a new one with the current status.

# Grid Settings

The grid creator can set up access rights to it, which allows other admins to make the necessary settings to it.

Who can customize the grid: Admins who are in each chat of the grid - all admins who are in each chat of this grid can configure the chat grid, and who can configure the bot on the site. Example: you have 10 chats in the grid. Admins who are in all 10 can manage the grid.

All admins of all chats of the grid - all admins from any chats of this grid can configure the chat grid, and who can configure the bot on the site. Example: you have 10 chats in the grid. Any admins from these 10 chats can manage the grid.

Grid Creator - Only the creator can customize the chat grid.

# Grid modules

The bot will perform the settings of the selected modules in the same way for all chats in the grid. For example, you can set unified spam filters (ban on links, mate, flood, etc.), a reputation and rank system.

# Global moderation commands

Global moderation teams will help admins ** manually restrict participants in the entire chat grid at once.** Available for chats on any tariffs.

The commands apply to the entire chat grid at once, regardless of which chat grid you used them in. For example, you have banned a participant in one chat - he will automatically be banned in each chat of the grid.

/gmute - the participant will be sent to silent mode in the entire chat grid and will not be able to write in them; /gban - the participant will be removed from the entire chat grid forever or with an indication of the time when he will be able to return to them. /gkick - the participant will be removed from the entire chat grid with the opportunity to return to them immediately after leaving.

How to use: send a command in response to a user's message, or enter a command, a username and a time limit. Who uses it: chat administrators Time: 1h (1 hour), 1m (1 minute), 1d (1 day) Example: /kick @username, /gmute 3h @username, /gban 30d @username

The bot will send a message about the punishment for the user to the chat where the command was applied.


Global moderation commands do not work in chats that are not in the grid.

# Grid Triggers

You can create common triggers for chats on the Advanced tariff. The bot will react the same way to the same conditions from triggers in different chats.

For example, you create a trigger that should respond to the word "Hello" and send the word "Hello" in response. The trigger will be triggered in all chats (Advanced rate) of the grid, where participants write the word "Hello".

# Statistics

General statistics are available for the grid that combines chats on the Ultimate tariff. You can analyze the overall growth of subscribers and their messages, the work of all chat admins, and determine the most active participants in the grid.

# Import public grid settings

After importing the settings of the required public grid into your chat, the bot will automatically start executing them.

You can edit the imported settings and make your own changes.

# Removing the grid

Deleted public or private grid ** cannot be restored**! All the settings set in it will be lost. The grid with its settings will be deleted from its creator and the users who can configure it. The chats that it contained go back to the "Chat" section on the main page of the personal account.


Deleting a public grid will not affect the operation of those chats that have imported a copy of the settings of this grid.